Jus Soli, and the complexities of immigration.

The United States follows a birthright known as Jus Soli. The Latin term is for “right of the soil.” It is the right that gives a person unconditional citizenship in the country where that person was born. Most of The Americas follow this birthright. With all the fuss around immigration, and people who are playing … More Jus Soli, and the complexities of immigration.

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A human being in each undocumented immigrant

Empathy. Compassion. Economic realism. Congressmen Mike Thompson and Luis Gutierrez spoke about it while emphasizing the importance of immigration reform becoming real in Congress this summer, to a group of about 120 people during “Connecting Latino Voices,” a community gathering on May 3rd, at the beautiful Chateau St. Jean vineyard in Kenwood, Sonoma County. “It … More A human being in each undocumented immigrant

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Connecting Latino Voices! – ¡Conectando Voces Latinas!

Immigration Reform. Latino leadership. Congressman Mike Thompson invites you to “Connecting Latino Voices,” a reception honoring Latino Leaders. Special guest: Congressman Luis Gutierrez. Saturday, May 3rd. 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. VJB Vineyards & Cellars. 60 Shaw Ave., Kenwood, CA. *Next to Santa Rosa, off of Hwy 12* You are invited! $45. Mary Jane Bowker … More Connecting Latino Voices! – ¡Conectando Voces Latinas!

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Hillary Clinton in San Francisco

I was lucky to see Hillary Clinton at the Marketo Summit Tuesday. She was keynote speaker, and emphasized the power of social media. She also said she came to get “some Marketing advice.” Right away she mentioned the need for comprehensive immigration reform. When interviewed by Marketo’s co-founder Phil Fernandez, she said something like “…In … More Hillary Clinton in San Francisco

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The key players…

The key players who could bring immigration reform to the front line right now are the high tech moguls. Money moves mountains. The problem is that their agenda focuses on foreign talent and not on the millions of undocumented immigrants who do not work on high tech. Yet, these millions of so called unskilled workers … More The key players…

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Perspectives on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

By Lupita Peimbert (United States) – One thing is clear to me, the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform and Other Purposes Bill” currently in Congress, has interests and objectives that focus on the United States attracting and retaining the highly educated, highly talented, or highly entrepreneurial of the world. The adults undocumented immigrants are not the priority. … More Perspectives on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

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